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Colorado Hip Replacement/Metallosis Lawsuits

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Advances in science and technology have provided solutions to treat debilitating health conditions. For some people, age-related or chronic diseases can cause damage to the bones and cartilage around the hip. Such damage can cause pain and limit the mobility of the patient. To get relief and achieve a better quality of life, patients undergo hip replacement surgery to replace damaged bones with prosthetic parts made from metal and other substances. Some of these replacement parts have been known to fail or generate high levels of metal debris in the body, causing metallosis in surrounding tissue. Metallosis is more commonly associated with metal-on-metal (MoM) hip implants. It is a life-threatening blood-poisoning condition, which can cause extensive damage to organs of the body.

If you have had hip replacement surgery and are suffering from metallosis, you may be entitled to compensation for your injury. The knowledgeable Colorado attorneys at Fuicelli & Lee are here to help you get relief from those responsible for your condition. Contact us today to find out how we can assist you.

Why Choose Fuicelli & Lee

  • At Fuicelli & Lee, our motto “Experience Matters” is a reflection on the drive, track record, and relentless pursuit of justice held by our attorneys.
  • Whether in a courtroom or at a negotiating table, we have successfully obtained tens of millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. In addition to winning full and fair compensation for our clients, we frequently win verdicts that exceed insurance proceeds.
  • We truly care about our clients. We specifically limit our case docket to ensure every client receives our undivided attention.

What Is Metallosis?

Like many other implants, hip replacement implants are made with metals such as cobalt, nickel, titanium, and chromium. In a metal-on-metal hip replacement, these metals can rub together, releasing particles of metal that circulate through the bloodstream and surrounding tissues. Build up of these metals in the body can result in the death of surrounding bones and tissue.

Before a diagnosis of metallosis is made, patients experience symptoms of the condition including pain, swelling, numbness, and inability to walk. Depending on the type of metal used for the implants, patients may also experience heart problems, nerve problems, memory loss, and hearing loss.

How Can You Tell if You Have Metallosis?

A diagnosis of metallosis can only be made after testing for ion levels in a patient. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends testing when implant patients experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Thyroid problems, including weight gain and fatigue
  • Psychological changes including depression
  • Kidney function problems
  • Neurological problems, including hearing or vision loss
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Skin problems including skin rash

Who Is Responsible for Your Metallosis?

If you have suffered or are suffering from metallosis, you may be entitled to compensation. Establishing who is responsible for your injury can be complicated and requires extensive inquiry into different factors including:

  • The type of implant you received
  • The manufacturers of the implants
  • The design, marketing, and performance of the implants you received
  • The surgical techniques used by your surgeon
  • The training provided by the implant manufacturers

These factors are critical to answering the important question of causation for every patient. To establish a case of negligence and get compensation, patients must show that their injury was caused by a failure of those who owed them a duty of care. Surgeons owe their patients a duty of care to carry out implant procedures according to the standards prescribed by their profession and implant manufacturers. Implant manufacturers have a duty to produce implants that are free from defects and do not cause harm.

Why You Need a Colorado Hip Replacement/Metallosis Attorney

Proving your case for metallosis injury requires a host of experts including surgical and engineering experts to identify the legal cause of the injury. A hip replacement/metallosis attorney with experience will waste no time discovering important evidence to establish your case. They have the resources to quickly retain the experts needed to work for your case.

If you have suffered hip replacement metallosis, call the experienced Colorado hip replacement/metallosis attorneys at Fuicelli & Lee now. Your initial consultation is free, so call now at (303) 444-4444.