Case Results

$13M Fatal Motor Vehicle Collision read more
$13M Attorney Keith Fuicelli recently obtained a $13.8 million judgment in a wrongful death claim for the family of a victim killed in a motor vehicle accident. There is nothing more devastating than suddenly and unexpectedly losing a loved one. Not only do surviving family members face loss of companionship, they often grapple with the financial burden of medical bills, funeral expenses, and reduced household income. When your loved one was killed through someone else’s negligence, you deserve compensation, and we fight to get it. (2020)
$11.5M Wrongful Death read more
$11.5M In June 2020, “Frank” was gunned down in his front yard, in front of his three children, over a dispute regarding cars in the alleyway. His son, “Aaron” was also shot in the arm by the perpetrator. Thankfully the murderer was arrested and convicted of Second Degree Murder. Fuicelli & Lee helped the surviving family members seek additional compensation by filing a lawsuit against the murderer to recover the immeasurable damages caused by Frank’s wrongful death. The Court awarded a total of $11.5 Million in a default judgment against Frank’s murderer. While we are thrilled to help Frank’s family seek justice, we recognize that the life of their husband and father will always remain priceless. (2021)
$7M Car vs. Pedestrian (DUI) read more
$7M When a drunk driver ran over Crossfit instructor Angie in a parking lot after being overserved at a bar, Angie was left with life-threatening injuries including an arm fracture, dislocated hip, seven rib fractures, laceration of the liver, broken back, concussion, and more. Fuicelli & Lee stepped in to fight on her behalf, obtaining a $7M default judgment against the drunk driver. Miraculously, Angie has fully recovered from her injuries and is back to teaching Crossfit! (2019)
$3M Permanent Injury from Motor Vehicle Accident read more
$3M “Liz” was a bright-eyed, horse-obsessed young child. When Liz was in an auto accident at 9 years old, she suffered a permanent injury to her ribs, causing her great pain to ride horses and forcing her to consider her physical health every time she made an everyday life decision such as feeding the horses at home and at the barn she worked at. In the state of Colorado, the timer on the statute of limitation for cases involving an injured minor does not start running until the minor turns 18. This Colorado law benefited Liz, as she continued to treat periodically over the years for the flare-ups of her somatic rib dysfunction. Liz’s family hired an attorney to represent her in her personal injury claim, but when the attorney insisted that they would receive no more than $20,000 for her injuries and his firm would not take her case to court, Liz’s mother started looking elsewhere for representation. It turns out that hiring Jess Cash was literally a life-changer. When Liz was 20 years old, the trial began and Jess Cash and Keith Fuicelli took Liz’s case in front of a jury, showing the monumental impact the auto collision had on Liz throughout her childhood, teen years, and more likely than not into her future. The defense argued throughout the trial that since all of her imaging (x-rays, MRI, bone scan) through the years were negative and she was still active that she did not suffer a permanent injury. Jess and Keith were able to show that sometimes injuries don’t show up on an MRI and that just because Liz had bucked up rather than giving up, that was cause for respect and not a discount for the defense. The jury agreed and reached a verdict of $1.5M in Liz’s favor. At this point, another Colorado law came into play: interest on verdicts accrues from the date of the incident until the date of the verdict. In Liz’s case, that doubled her recovery….but Jess Cash didn’t stop there. She worked out a settlement with the insurance company that maximized Liz’s jury verdict recovery and eliminated the possibility of a lengthy defense appeal. The final settlement agreement was $3,055,000 – over $3 Million more than Liz’s first attorney promised her. Jess Cash’s thoughtful and thorough approach to trial preparation results in life-changing outcomes for her clients. (2022)
$2.575M Traumatic Brain Injury from Trucking Accident read more
$2.575M "Tyler" was only 17 when he was seriously injured in a car crash. He suffered from a long list of injuries including a traumatic brain injury, lacerated internal organs, and broken bones. Tyler had been riding as a passenger in a car with a driver who had been drinking. Under the influence, the driver unknowingly drove out in front of a semi truck, putting his and his passengers' lives at risk. While no amount of money will ever give back what was taken from Tyler that day, we hope this victory helps ensure a much brighter future for this young man. This case is a stark reminder of the importance of sober driving. (2024) To donate to MADD, please go here:
$2.1M Motor Vehicle Accident read more
$2.1M After a car t-boned Riley, she experienced low back pain as well as numbness and radicular pain in her feet. When the at-fault insurance carrier offered a meager $105k and refused to settle Riley’s case for the full, fair, and complete settlement she deserved, Keith Fuicelli took her case to trial in front of a jury, ultimately obtaining a $2.1 Million verdict. (2019)
$2M Premises Liability read more
$2M A faulty deck caused severe injuries to our client when a stair collapsed under her. Fuicelli & Lee was brought in to co-counsel the case, securing a $2,000,010 settlement. (2024)
$2M Delivery Driver vs. Pedestrian read more
$2M Rick ran out of gas and had to pull over to the side of the road. As he was standing outside of his car filling his gas tank, a distracted pizza delivery driver approached. The driver was looking down at his phone and slammed into the back of Rick’s car, colliding with Rick and throwing him to the ground. The collision shattered his leg, requiring emergency surgery and leaving Rick with life-changing injuries and the inability to work. Krislene Lorenz recognized the devastating impact this collision had on her client and ensured the insurance company truly understood the disastrous consequences of their insured’s actions. Krislene obtained a healthy $2,000,000 settlement for Rick, which will make a world of difference for him as he continues to recover from his injuries. (2022)
$2M Car vs. Pedestrian read more
$2M Our client “Dean” was walking to get dinner one night in April 2021. After waiting for the walk signal, Dean began to cross the street - when he was about halfway through the crosswalk, a distracted driver ran through a No Left Turn signal and struck Dean, breaking his leg. Unfortunately, the driver that hit Dean did not have auto insurance. However, that did not stop Keith Fuicelli and Lori Tolle from obtaining whatever justice they could for Dean, ultimately obtaining a default judgment against the driver in the amount of $2 million dollars. (2021)
$1.85M Traumatic Brain Injury read more
$1.85M When our client was the victim of two motor vehicle accidents in one year, causing significant brain injuries, he knew it would be difficult to get the insurance companies to determine who was truly at fault for his injuries. Luckily he hired Lori Tolle of Fuicelli & Lee, whose approach took a meager $34k offer and turned it into $1.85M for this well deserving client. (2023)
$1.8M Traumatic Brain Injury read more
$1.8M When traffic stopped abruptly on I-70, a distracted driver in an SUV crashed into the back of Kate’s car. Kate sustained a traumatic brain injury and was taken to the emergency room in an ambulance. She suffered from migraines and many other post-concussion symptoms. The at-fault insurance company’s initial offer was a mere $100,000. Recognizing Kate’s catastrophic injuries that had led to lifelong effects, Keith Fuicelli and Krislene Lorenz tirelessly advocated for her, eventually taking her case to trial and obtaining a $1.8 Million verdict from the jury. (2019)
$1.3M Semi-Truck Collision read more
$1.3M Patrick was driving home on dark and quiet four-lane highway in Southern Colorado when he came across a semi-truck that was blocking the highway. The semi was attempting to back into a driveway. Patrick hit his brakes but was unable to avoid the semi-truck and slammed into it at 35 mph. Patrick sustained numerous serious injuries including fracturing most ribs, a fractured sternum, broken back, and bruised lungs. Patrick spent 4 days in the ICU followed by many months of in-patient rehab recovering. The trucking company’s insurance pushed back hard, claiming Patrick should have been able to stop in time before striking their semi-truck. Even Patrick’s own insurance company initially attributed 51% liability to the trucker and 49% liability to Patrick. Knowing that these initial assessments were not based on all the available facts, Lori Tolle fought hard to persuade the insurance companies the trucker was 100% at fault. Lori hired experts including an investigator to interview eyewitnesses, an engineering firm to gather data from Patrick's car to prove he did attempt to stop and was not negligent in any way, and a trucking safety standards expert to opine about the trucker’s decision to perform this maneuver under all of the attendant circumstances. Facing Lori's multi-pronged approach establishing liability, the insurance companies finally attributed full fault to the trucker. Lori obtained full policy limits from both the trucker’s insurance company and Patrick's underinsured insurance company for a total settlement of $1.3 million. (2023)
$1.1M Motorcycle TBI Collision read more
$1.1M Our 20 year old client was riding his motorcycle to work when a truck recklessly pulled out in front of him. He suffered fractured ribs, a broken wrist, a chipped tooth, and as is common with motorcycle accidents, a traumatic head injury. Krislene Lorenz fought for all available policy limits, eventually securing our client over $1M in compensation. (2023)
$1.1M Motor Vehicle Collision read more
$1.1M Rick was on his way to work when he was rear-ended by a large moving truck. The at-fault insurance carrier only offered $8,600 in compensation, which did not even cover his $14k in medical bills, let alone the pain and suffering he endured. Attorneys Keith Fuicelli and Lori Tolle fought on Rick’s behalf for the full, fair, and complete compensation he deserved, taking his case to trial and obtaining a $1.1 Million verdict. (2021)
$1.025M DUI Motor Vehicle Collision read more
$1.025M Our client was the passenger in a vehicle that was hit head-on by a drunk driver. Our client suffered from several broken bones on her right side, including her femur and her shoulder, requiring extensive surgeries and rehab. This case was brought to us to co-counsel by another firm. (2022)
$980K DUI Motor Vehicle Collision read more
$980K Our client was the victim of a drunk driving accident. His vehicle was hit on the drivers side and he had to be forcefully extracted from his vehicle before being transported to the emergency room. He suffered a broken ankle and concussion, among other injuries. (2022)
$925K Traumatic Brain Injury/Bad Faith read more
$925K Our client tragically suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident. Despite his documented injuries, his underinsured motorist insurer claimed that he was fully compensated by the at-fault driver’s $25,000 in coverage. Fuicelli & Lee fought hard for this client in a Bad Faith claim, eventually settling the lawsuit for $900,000. (2015)
$900K Car vs. Pedestrian read more
$900K 26-year-old Dana was crossing South Broadway with the right of way at a crosswalk when she was struck by vehicle who failed to yield for the crosswalk signal. The reckless driver dragged her for several feet under his vehicle before he realized he had hit her, leaving Dana with broken bones in her back, hand, arm, and collar bone. The at-fault insurance company’s original offer was $400k, clearly nowhere near reasonable compensation for this severity of injury. Keith Fuicelli fought hard on her behalf, ultimately obtaining a $900k settlement for Dana. (2019)
$750K Fatal Motor Vehicle Collision read more
$750K It was an icy winter night when the car in front of the Smith family rolled into a ditch. Chris Smith got out of his car to assist them when a semi-truck jack knifed on the road and dumped its load onto Chris and the man he was pulling out of the overturned vehicle, instantly killing them both. John Lee represented Chris’s wife and children, who tragically witnessed these events unfold from their vehicle. While there is no dollar amount that could ever bring their husband and father back, the family was grateful for the financial assistance as they learn to live without him. (2021)
$745K Motor Vehicle Collision read more
$745K Sarah was involved in a car accident and suffered injuries from head to toe. While we were able to secure an initial offer of $135,000 from the insurance company, we knew that wasn't enough to compensate Sarah for her pain and suffering. Thankfully, Attorney John Lee doesn't back down from a fight and eventually secured $745,0000 - an increase of $610,000 from the original offer! (2023)
$750K Motor Vehicle Collision/DUI read more
$750K Keith Fuicelli negotiated a settlement 5x the original offer for a well deserving client who was hit by a drunk driver. (2019)
$600K Motor Vehicle Collision/Bad Faith read more
$600K Our client was injured in a motor vehicle accident requiring surgery on a rotator cuff tear. When his insurance company claimed he was fully compensated by the at-fault driver’s insurance, Keith Fuicelli filed a Bad Faith claim and settled the case for 24x the policy limits. (2018)
$575K Fatal Motor Vehicle Collision read more
$575K Fuicelli & Lee represented the ex-wife and children of a victim of a fatal motor vehicle accident in this Wrongful Death case. The Sergeant was a passenger in a military convoy when the at-fault driver switched lanes on I-25 and collided with his vehicle. He tragically passed away a month later of surgery complications. (2014)
$600K Motor Vehicle Collision read more
$600K Our client was a passenger in a car when her driver failed to yield to oncoming traffic, making a left turn on a yellow arrow. The accident left her with several severe injuries including broken ribs, fractured pelvis, and aggravated a prior shoulder injury. (2023)
$550K Slip and Fall on Ice read more
$550K Our client slipped on ice from a dripping gutter outside a yoga studio and broke her arm. Despite clear damages which included multiple surgeries, the at-fault insurance company only offered $25k to compensate her. Lori Tolle stepped in and settled the case in litigation prior to trial for the full, fair, and complete value of the claim. (2023)
$550K Motorcycle Collision read more
$550K Client Mary B. was riding on the back of motorcycle when it was hit by another vehicle. That vehicle fled the scene. Unfortunately, Mary suffered severe injuries including a fractured hip. This injury ultimately required she undergo a complete hip replacement. After several rounds of negotiations, which started with the insurance company offering only $325,000 on her claim, Keith settled the matter for $550,000. The claim was particularly complicated in that there were several insurance policies that provided coverage.
$530K Truck vs. Pedestrian read more
$530K Our 75-year-old client was walking across a crosswalk in Grand Junction. Adhering to the right-of-way signal, he was crossing the street when an electric company employee in an F250 failed to yield, turned right at the red light, and struck him. He was rushed to the hospital where he was diagnosed with multiple rib fractures, lung contusions, arm laceration, broken clavicle, and other injuries. (2020) When the insurance company offered a mere $290k in compensation, Keith Fuicelli pushed back. Citing his lengthy hospital stay and permanent injuries, Keith ended up obtaining a $530,000 settlement. This settlement earned Fuicelli & Lee the #10 spot in Top Verdict's Top 50 Settlements for Truck Accidents in the nation in 2021! Regardless if there are minor injuries or lifelong impairment, Fuicelli & Lee is driven to seek full, fair, and complete compensation for every one of our clients.
$450K Motor Vehicle Collision read more
$450K Settlement for client t-boned by driver who ran a stop sign. (2017)
$430K Motorcycle Collision read more
$430K Settlement for motorcyclist injured in a rear-accident collision. (2018)
$360K Motor Vehicle Collision read more
$360K When our client was injured in an auto accident caused by a driver who ran a stop light, Keith Fuicelli negotiated the at-fault carrier from an initial offer of $80,000 up to $360,000. (2017)
$350K Motor Vehicle Collision read more
$350K This client was dropped from her previous attorney after receiving an offer of only $1,400 from the at-fault insurance carrier. Fuicelli & Lee took on her case and received policy limits from both the at-fault driver and her underinsured motorist coverage for a total of $350,000, proving that we do not rest until we have received full, fair, and complete compensation for our clients. (2019)
$300K Bicycle vs. Pedestrian read more
$300K Settlement for a pedestrian who was injured by a bicyclist in Boulder. (2016)
Confidential Motor Vehicle Accident/Bad Faith read more
Confidential When Gary needed a cervical fusion after a motor vehicle collision, his insurance company offered only $75k, claiming that would cover both his extensive medical bills and his pain and suffering. His insurance company attempted to delay his claim and pressure him into accepting this unusually small settlement. Keith Fuicelli refused to back down, eventually settling his case in a (much higher) confidential settlement.