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Longmont Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

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Many people in Longmont enjoy riding motorcycles, either for pure recreation or as their sole means of travel. As a gateway to the Rocky Mountains, Longmont offers motorcyclists thrilling drives and stunning scenery, but motorcyclists and their passengers always face the risk of a motorcycle accident.

Most motorcycle accidents happen through the carelessness or recklessness of other vehicle drivers. Defective motorcycle components and roadway hazards cause many other motorcycle accidents.

No matter the reason, motorcycle accidents can cause serious injuries because motorcyclists and their passengers do not have enclosures to protect them. Even a low-speed motorcycle accident can leave you with severe injuries that require extensive medical treatment and ongoing rehabilitation.

If you suffer serious injuries in a motorcycle accident that you didn’t cause, you can pursue compensation to cover your medical expenses and other losses.

The Longmont motorcycle accident attorneys at Fuicelli & Lee have extensive experience representing motorcycle accident victims and their families. We pursue full, fair, and complete compensation for every one of our clients. We have achieved a long record of securing substantial compensation for our clients, so our peers in the legal community frequently seek us out to serve as co-counsel or take over their most difficult cases. We will fight to get the full financial recovery you deserve.

Call our law office today at (303) 444-4444 or contact us online to request a free consultation.

Experience Lawyer for Motorcycle Accident in Longmont

Why Choose Fuicelli & Lee for Your Longmont Motorcycle Accident Claim?

When seeking compensation for your motorcycle accident injuries, you want a Longmont accident lawyer with the experience to help you get the financial recovery you need. Our attorneys at Fuicelli & Lee have a combined 150 years of experience handling complex legal claims, and we have obtained more than $142 million in settlements and verdicts for our clients.

Other items to consider about our law firm include:

  • We pride ourselves on delivering personalized, compassionate representation that gets results.
  • Several of our lawyers are former prosecutors with decades of trial experience. We aren’t afraid to take your case to trial if necessary to help you get the maximum compensation possible.
  • We offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis. Therefore, you will not have to pay us any money upfront to review your case or represent you. We will only get a fee if we obtain compensation for you.

Million Dollar Advocates ForumOur lawyers have received consistent top attorney rankings and other honors from our peers. We have gained reputations as tenacious legal advocates who fight hard for our clients, and we have received numerous five-star client reviews and testimonials for our outstanding professionalism and service.

No matter how complicated your motorcycle accident claim or how severe your injuries, you can rely on us to thoroughly investigate your claim and hold all responsible parties accountable for your pain and suffering. We are here for you when you need us, and we are committed to helping you get the full and fair compensation you deserve.

If you are a lawyer with a strong but difficult case, call us.

For a free consultation with an experienced Longmont motorcycle accident attorney you can trust, contact us at Fuicelli & Lee today at (303) 444-4444

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Longmont

To pursue compensation for your motorcycle accident injuries, you need a lawyer who can determine who or what caused the crash.

The most common causes of motorcycle accidents we see in Longmont are:

  • Other vehicle drivers. Driver error accounts for most motorcycle accidents in Longmont and throughout the country. Motor vehicle drivers cause wrecks by speeding, driving distracted, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or otherwise acting carelessly or recklessly. If another driver causes a motorcycle crash that injures you or kills a close family member, you can seek compensation from them.
  • Defective motorcycle components. Many times, defective or faulty motorcycle parts cause bikers to lose control and wreck. If you can trace the cause of the crash to bad brakes, a tire blowout, or another critical component failing, you can obtain compensation from the product’s manufacturer or distributor.
  • Roadway hazards. Motorcycles are vulnerable to faults or defects in the road and other hazards. City, state, and county governments must maintain their roads for safe traveling. If a roadway defect caused your motorcycle accident in Longmont, you may pursue compensation from the government entity responsible. However, filing claims against a government is tricky, and you need to consult an attorney immediately for advice regarding your options.

The motorcycle accident lawyers at Fuicelli & Lee will investigate the crash and determine its cause. We will identify the at-fault party (or parties) and work diligently to get the compensation you need.

Motorcycle Accidents Can Cause Serious Injuries

Peer Rated For Ethical Standards and Legal Ability 2022Motorcycles do not have side panels, doors, or roofs like other motor vehicles. As such, motorcyclists and their passengers do not have the same protection from injury in an accident as those inside a vehicle.

Even a relatively minor crash with another vehicle can cause severe injuries to motorcycle riders, whereas a car’s occupants may suffer no more than superficial injuries. Also, since motorcycles do not have enclosures, a collision can easily throw bikers from their motorcycles. Other vehicles can strike motorcyclists if they land on the road, and bikers can slide along the road surface or suffer major injuries from hitting the ground.

Motorcycle accidents often cause catastrophic or deadly injuries to bikers.

Common, but serious, motorcycle accident injuries we see at Fuicelli & Lee include:

  • Broken bones
  • Severe road rash
  • Deep cuts and lacerations
  • Head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Crush injuries
  • Organ damage and internal bleeding
  • Amputation injuries

Sadly, many motorcyclists suffer fatal injuries in motorcycle accidents. If you lose a loved one due to a motorcycle accident in Longmont, we can help you obtain compensation through a wrongful death claim.

What Types of Compensation Can I Get for My Longmont Motorcycle Accident Injuries?

You shouldn’t have to pay for your medical expenses if someone else caused the crash. You may also need help covering your lost income and other damages you incurred because of another party’s negligence. If you lost a close family member because of someone’s carelessness or recklessness, you shouldn’t have to pay for funeral costs and other end-of-life expenses.

Colorado law allows accident victims to recover economic damages for financial losses stemming from the accident and medical treatment, such as:

You may also recover non-economic damages for other intangible losses you suffered that may not have an easily determined dollar amount, including:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental anguish
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of consortium

Additionally, you may qualify for punitive damages depending on the circumstances of your case. Also called exemplary damages, punitive damages punish the wrongdoer, and courts will sometimes award these damages in cases where unlawful conduct, egregious negligence, or wanton disregard for a person’s safety caused a victim’s injuries.

What Is the Motorcycle Accident Claims Process in Colorado?

John Lee Top RatedTo get compensation for your motorcycle accident injuries, you need to show the other party caused your injuries. You need documented evidence you received treatment for your injuries, which can come from your medical records. If you suffered severe injuries in the crash, you likely went to the emergency room or urgent care. Even if you didn’t initially think the accident caused serious injuries, get a full medical evaluation right away.

You also need to consult an attorney as soon as possible. Your lawyer can help ensure you get the proper medical treatment you need, and they can gather your medical records and other evidence to show you received treatment. They can also collect your receipts for out-of-pocket expenses, such as co-pays and prescriptions, along with damage estimates for repairing or replacing your motorcycle and proof of lost income.

The next important step in seeking compensation is establishing the other party’s liability for your injuries and losses. A lawyer will know Colorado’s personal injury law and how to prove the other party was at fault. Your lawyer may use police reports, surveillance videos, accident reconstruction reports, and other evidence to establish liability.

Filing a Claim With the Insurance Company

After collecting the necessary evidence, your attorney may file an injury claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company. They may also send a demand letter that details your damages and explains the other party’s liability.

When the insurance company receives your claim, they will assign an insurance adjuster to investigate. The adjuster may determine that the policy does not cover your injuries or does not cover all your injuries. They may deny your claim or offer you only a fraction of the compensation you need.

Your attorney will negotiate with the insurer to get them to honor the policy and pay to cover all your injuries.

Settlement negotiations can take time, but you do not want to accept an offer too soon or one that won’t cover all your losses. Some injuries do not show symptoms immediately, or your injuries may result in a permanent disability.

If you accept an offer, you may not pursue additional compensation later. Work with your attorney and your medical providers to develop a full picture of how your injuries may affect your life going forward so you can seek compensation for any treatment, therapy, or accommodations you may need in the future.

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

If the insurance company refuses to fairly settle your claim, or if the insurer acts in bad faith regarding your claim, you may need to take them to court. You may also need to sue the at-fault party directly if they did not have insurance or their liability limits don’t cover all your losses. If a drunk driver caused the accident, for instance, you may also want to go to court to pursue punitive damages.

Personal injury trials are expensive, time-consuming, and stressful. Sometimes, however, threatening litigation is the only way to get the insurance company to take your case seriously, and a trial may provide your only option for obtaining compensation. Our attorneys can review your case and help you decide if going to court makes sense.

In most cases, Colorado only allows you three years from your injury to file a lawsuit in civil court, so you need to consult an attorney right away to get started.

The battle-tested, aggressive litigators at Fuicelli & Lee have a remarkable record of trial successes. Although we will work diligently to settle your claim with the insurance company, we will prepare your court case from the beginning in case we do have to go to trial.

What Do I Do If the Insurance Company Contacts Me?

During the claims process, the insurance company may contact you directly to get information. The insurance company is not looking out for you—only themselves. They are a business, and paying out claims reduces their profits. Therefore, they may deny your claim, devalue your claim, or even blame you for the accident and your injuries.

Never give a recorded statement to the insurance company or say anything they can use against you. For example, an insurance representative could call you and ask how you are doing. If you say, “I’m all right,” they could twist that to mean you are not seriously injured and don’t need compensation.

Never apologize for the accident or accept any fault for causing the crash. In fact, it’s best to not say anything at all and refer insurance representatives to your lawyer.

The attorneys at Fuicelli & Lee have dealt with dozens of insurance companies, and we understand their so-called defense tactics. We won’t let them devalue your claim or place undue blame on you for the crash. We have your best interests at heart and will fight for you tooth and nail. Moreover, once you hire us, the insurer cannot contact you directly. Since they have to call us instead, we can shield you from their tactics.

Contact an Experienced Longmont Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

Keith Fuicelli Attorney for Motorcycle Accident near Denver area

Keith Fuicelli Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Longmont

The Longmont motorcycle accident lawyers at Fuicelli & Lee are here to help you get the full and fair compensation you deserve. We understand your challenges, and you can trust we will do all we can to help you get everything you need to deal with the financial costs and losses you suffered because of someone else’s negligence.

Call us today at (303) 444-4444 or complete our contact form to request your free consultation.

Fuicelli & Lee, PC – Denver Office

1731 Gilpin Street
Denver, CO 80218
PHONE: (303) 444-4444