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December Is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

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October 12, 2023 Car Accidents, Personal Injury

December is a time for holiday cheer and family gatherings, but it also marks National Impaired Driving Prevention Month—a crucial campaign that addresses a significant societal issue.

Impaired driving tragically cuts short thousands of lives every year and has severe consequences for countless other individuals, underscoring the need for collective action. This nationwide initiative reminds us of the devastation impaired driving can cause and the importance of preventative action. If you are seeking justice after an impaired driving accident, our legal team of Denver drunk driving accident attorneys are here to help, providing expert guidance and fighting for your rightful compensation.

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Understanding Impaired Driving

Man consuming alcohol while driving a vehicle in Denver, Colorado

Impaired driving might sound self-explanatory, but its various forms and consequences may exceed popular definitions.


Drunk driving or driving under the influence (DUI) is when someone operates a motor vehicle after consuming alcohol or drugs, compromising their ability to drive safely. It also includes impairment due to certain medications or extreme fatigue. A key factor is that a driver’s faculties diminish, posing severe risks to the driver and others on the road.

Various Forms

While alcohol consumption is the most common form of impaired driving, other forms include extreme fatigue and driving under the influence of illicit drugs or prescription medication. Fatigue, or driving while drowsy, can slow reaction times and impair decision-making just as much as drunk driving. The use of marijuana and other substances, especially in conjunction with alcohol, is rapidly increasing.


The consequences of impaired driving can result in hefty fines, license suspension, or even jail time, depending on the severity of the offense and whether it resulted in property damage, injuries, or fatalities. An impaired driving accident could also leave you or others with life-changing or fatal injuries.

Not only are there legal penalties, but impaired drivers could also potentially face high medical bills, increased car insurance premiums, and legal action from the victims for the physical, emotional, and psychological impacts of impaired driving. These consequences underline the gravity of such driving and the necessity of prevention.

The Effects of Impaired Driving

Blurry accident scene on road seen through windshield, depicting man drinking and driving.

Impaired driving damages thousands of lives every year and leads to substantial societal costs.

Accident Statistics

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 11,600 people in the United States died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes in one recent year, accounting for nearly one-third of all traffic-related deaths. Accidents involving alcohol-impaired drivers kill 32 American people every day, which represents one death every 45 minutes. These sobering numbers put in context this issue’s severity and widespread nature.

Personal Stories of Victims

Impaired driving can lead to numerous injuries, from minor cuts and bruises to severe trauma, including traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, broken bones, and internal organ damage. These injuries can lead to long-term health issues and disabilities and profoundly affect a victim’s quality of life. It is not just the person driving under the influence who risks these injuries—they make passengers, other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists potential victims.

While statistics convey the scale of the impaired driving problem, personal stories bring its tragic reality into sharp focus. Families who’ve lost loved ones and individuals who face life-changing injuries must carry heavy burdens. Their stories are stark reminders of the potential cost of DUIs.

Societal Cost

Apart from immeasurable human loss and suffering, impaired driving also takes a significant economic toll. The CDC estimates the cost of alcohol-related crashes to total more than $123.3 billion annually, accounting for medical expenses, legal services, property damage, lost productivity, and other related costs. This demonstrates that the repercussions of impaired driving extend beyond drivers and victims to society at large.

Laws and Regulations Against Impaired Driving

Laws and regulations to curb impaired driving aim to deter individuals from engaging in such dangerous behavior and penalize those who do.

Overview of Laws Against Impaired Driving

Every state prohibits driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher. The laws, however, vary considerably between states in terms of penalties, enforcement, and the level of BAC that is illegal for certain groups of drivers—such as those under 21 and commercial drivers, who may face stricter regulations. Using illegal drugs or prescription medication that causes impairment while driving also violates the law.

Penalties for Impaired Driving

The penalties for impaired driving depend on a driver’s BAC level and age, whether it is their first or a repeat offense, and whether the incident caused injury or death to others.

Penalties can include fines, suspension, revocation of a driver’s license, or imprisonment. Many states also require offenders to attend alcohol education or treatment programs in severe cases, such as when drunk driving results in a fatality. The offender may face charges of vehicular manslaughter or murder.

The Role of Law Enforcement in Preventing Impaired Driving

Law enforcement plays a crucial role in deterring drunk driving through regular patrols, sobriety checkpoints, and reinforcement of DUI laws. Officers have the training to spot signs of impaired driving and conduct field sobriety and BAC tests. They also use technology, such as Breathalyzers and ignition interlock devices, which require a driver’s sober breath sample to start the vehicle, in the fight against impaired driving.

While these laws, penalties, and enforcement methods deter and penalize impaired driving, the best way to avoid these consequences is to never drive while intoxicated.

The Role of Personal Injury Lawyers in Impaired Driving Cases

Sheet with inscription illustrating the business concept of a Personal Injury Lawyer.

You may face numerous challenges after an impaired driving accident, including physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial stress. This is where personal injury lawyers come in; they can navigate the complex legal system, explain your rights, and seek the compensation you deserve. Read on to discover how this process works and why you need legal representation in these cases.

How Personal Injury Lawyers Can Represent Victims of Impaired Driving

Personal injury lawyers play a crucial role in representing the victims of impaired driving. They gather evidence to prove a driver’s negligence, negotiate with insurance companies on behalf of victims, and present their case in court if necessary. A skilled personal injury lawyer can protect your rights and secure fair compensation for your injuries, loss of income, and other related costs.

The Process of Filing a Lawsuit in Impaired Driving Cases

The lawsuit begins with filing a complaint against the impaired driver, detailing the allegations, and requesting financial compensation. The defending party then makes a response.

The discovery phase follows, during which both parties gather evidence. This could involve collecting police reports, medical records, and eyewitness testimonies and even hiring accident reconstruction experts. If the insurance company refuses to settle, the case may go to trial, where a judge or jury issues a verdict. A seasoned personal injury lawyer can guide victims through these steps, fulfilling all required legal formalities while building a solid case.

The Importance of Legal Representation

Having legal representation can make a significant difference to the outcome of an impaired driving case. Experienced personal injury lawyers have an in-depth understanding of the laws relating to DUI offenses, the potential defenses an accused driver may raise, and the evidence necessary to build a compelling case.

They can also accurately calculate the damages you deserve, including medical expenses, lost income, and compensation for pain and suffering.

Your attorneys can also ensure you have enough time to file your legal case. The statute of limitations refers to the specific period within which you must initiate a lawsuit following an offense or injury. This timeframe varies from state to state and depends on the nature of the case.

Discuss your impaired driving accident case with an experienced attorney as soon as possible so you do not miss this critical legal deadline. You may otherwise lose your ability to pursue the financial compensation you deserve.

In addition to legal guidance, personal injury lawyers support victims at a potentially overwhelming time, advocating for their rights and enabling them to make informed decisions.

Reflecting on National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

Despite the legal implications and numerous efforts to deter and prevent impaired driving, the issue continues to pose a significant threat to society.

National Impaired Driving Prevention Month is about awareness and a call to action. Every individual has a role to play in the prevention of impaired driving. This could include not drinking and driving, ensuring that friends and family do the same, or supporting campaigns that impose stricter legal measures. Small actions can result in substantial changes at a societal level.

Impaired driving does not discriminate—it has consequences for people of every race, gender, and social class. The far-reaching repercussions affect us all as members of the community and taxpayers who shoulder the economic burden.

Each of us, therefore, must take it upon ourselves to adopt responsible behaviors and encourage others to do likewise. You are not alone if you suffer from someone else’s impaired driving. Experienced personal injury attorneys are here to navigate the legal complexities and seek justice on your behalf. We can reduce impaired driving with collective effort and vigilance, making our roads safer for everyone.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Today to Consider Your Legal Options

Keith Fuicelli, Personal Injury Attorney

Keith Fuicelli, Drunk Driving Accident Attorney

For further information about your legal options following an impaired driving accident, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer today. These legal professionals can review your case, determine the validity of your claim, and explore the options you can pursue.

Do not wait any longer to get the help you need. Get your free case consultation today and find out how our competent Denver personal injury lawyers can help you after an impaired driving accident.