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Car Accidents

April 30, 2019 Car Accidents, Personal Injury

Frequently Asked Questions After a Car Accident

What should I do immediately after an Accident? Check to make sure no one is seriously injured (if so, call 911). Call the police and stay at the scene. Do not admit fault, just state the facts as they happened. Take pictures of the scene with your cell phone, include damage to all vehicles....
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April 25, 2019 Car Accidents, Personal Injury

Who is Liable for a Hit and Run Accident?

Who pays the medical bills? Who’s responsible for vehicle damages? If the at-fault driver is never located or identified, recovery for medical damages will likely come from your own car or health insurance policies. A lot will depend on your levels of auto insurance coverage and any deductibles. Check your policy to see what...
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What Are The Most Common Type of Car Accidents?

Believe it or not, some car accidents are actually avoidable, especially if you practice defensive driving. Paying attention to traffic around you and keeping distractions to a minimum (such as tucking your cell phone away, putting it into ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode or even turning it off) will make you a much safer and...
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How to Overcome Fear After an Accident

When we discuss car accidents, we often focus on physical injuries that can require weeks or months of medical care and recovery time. However, many people also suffer mental health effects, including anxiety and fear. Below we share some keys to overcoming fear after an accident. Take Care of Mental Health After an Accident...
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January 9, 2019 Car Accidents, Personal Injury

Colorado Car Accident Statistics

More than 4 million licensed drivers call Colorado home, and the Denver metro area ranked among the top five fast-growing cities in the country last year. More drivers on the roadways often translates into more issues. Here’s a rundown of what you need to know about Colorado car accidents and how to stay safer...
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January 17, 2017 Car Accidents, Practice News

John Lee Recovers Settlement for Accident Victims

John Lee resolved a case for a client who was injured in a car accident that was the fault of another driver. Even though our client was injured, and was not at fault, she was issued a citation by the police, after which the other driver’s insurance company refused to accept liability for the...
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