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Head-On Car Collisions in Denver

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August 28, 2024 Car Accidents

Head-on car crashes are the deadliest type of car crash in the U.S., resulting in the highest number of fatalities each year. They are also one of the most common types of car accidents. A recent traffic accident study found that head-on car collisions account for about 11% of all car crashes nationwide.

A head-on collision changes your life in an instant. Catastrophic injuries, the death of a loved one, a mountain of medical bills, and the inability to work or care for your family are some of the many lifelong and devastating tolls these crashes take on you and your family.

If a head-on car collision in Denver has forever altered your life, you are likely feeling overwhelmed, frightened, and unsure of what to do next. Consulting with a Denver car accident attorney can provide you with the guidance and support you need. Understanding these deadly crashes and your legal entitlement to compensation is a crucial step towards reconstructing your future.

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How Do Head-On Collisions in Denver Occur?

Head-on collisions occur when the front of one vehicle crashes into the front of another vehicle, usually at high speeds. The force of two cars colliding head-on is enormous, resulting in violent front impact and deceleration simultaneously.

Head-on collisions are a serious problem in Denver. The city’s rapid population growth has led to soaring traffic congestion and more opportunities for serious accidents.

According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, more than 22,000 traffic accidents occurred in the Denver area in recent years. Statistically, a significant portion of these accidents were head-on collisions.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, human error causes most traffic accidents. Several other independent studies conducted by AAA, Virginia Tech, Stanford University, and others confirm this alarming fact.

Various human, environmental, and vehicle-related issues can also contribute to these horrible accidents. Here’s a closer look at some of the most significant factors that may lead to a head-on crash:

  • Distracted driving: Talking on the phone, texting, eating, or any other activity that takes a driver’s attention off the road can easily lead to drifting into oncoming traffic.
  • Drunk driving: Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs impairs reaction time, judgment, and the ability to control a vehicle safely. Intoxicated drivers may swerve across the center line into opposing lanes. Denver ranks as one of the worst U.S. cities for drunk driving.
  • Fatigued driving: Sleepy drivers are three times more likely to be involved in a car crash. Falling asleep at the wheel often leads to lane and road departures, resulting in head-on collisions.
  • Speeding: Excessive speeds make it more difficult to control a car and avoid a crash. A speeding driver who suddenly encounters slowed or stopped traffic may veer into oncoming lanes to avoid a rear-end collision.
  • Improper passing: Attempting to pass a vehicle on a two-lane road without enough clearance can position a vehicle in the direct path of oncoming traffic. Some people may find it tempting to pass a slow vehicle on a winding mountain road, for instance, but trying to pass without enough visibility and clearance can end in a catastrophic head-on collision.
  • Wrong-way driving: Confused, intoxicated, or inattentive drivers may accidentally travel in the wrong direction on a one-way road or highway entrance/exit ramp.
  • Poor weather conditions: Poor weather conditions seldom cause head-on collisions in Denver. Instead, a driver’s handling of the vehicle in poor weather usually causes the crash. Snow, ice, rain, and fog can create slick roads and low visibility, so speeding, distraction, fatigue, and other driver behaviors make it easier to lose control of a vehicle and cross the centerline.
  • Vehicle defects or mechanical failures: Faulty brakes, blown tires, steering system problems, and other issues can make a driver lose control of their vehicle and crash into oncoming traffic, resulting in a devastating head-on collision.

Where Do Head-On Collisions in Denver Occur?

Head-on collisions in Denver can happen anywhere, on any road, and in any environment.

Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) shows that about three-quarters of head-on collisions in the U.S. occur on rural highways and roads despite the relatively light traffic compared to busy urban highways.

The Governors Highway Safety Association also reports that rural roads and highways are disproportionately deadly.

The rural highways and high-speed roads in and around Denver are no exception. Head-on crashes can occur in a flash on highways that lack medians or barriers between opposing lanes.

Rural roads and highways also have intermittent passing zones and traffic traveling at varying speeds. Tragically, passing another vehicle on a rural highway is often a deadly gamble.

A moment of inattention, swerving to avoid an animal, or poor judgment while passing can mean the difference between life and death on these roads.

Of course, head-on crashes occur on urban highways and roads as well, usually when a vehicle crosses the median or travels the wrong way on an exit or entrance.

Some of the areas and roads in and around Denver that are particularly dangerous for head-on crashes include:

  • Colfax Avenue: This major east-west artery runs through central Denver and is lined with businesses. Cars, buses, pedestrians, and cyclists heavily traffic the road. Passing or suddenly dodging other vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians can cause drivers to swerve out of their lanes, potentially leading to a head-on collision.
  • Federal Boulevard: Stretching from Highlands Ranch to Westminster, Federal is a busy north-south road notorious for high speeds and serious accidents.
  • I-25: Denver’s main north-south interstate is congested with commuter traffic, prone to construction, and frequently the site of serious collisions, including occasional head-on crashes.
  • I-70: The section of I-70 that runs through Denver, particularly near the mousetrap interchange with I-25, has a high volume of traffic and is prone to wrong-way and road-departure accidents due to the complex interchange design and merging traffic.
  • I-225: This beltway around the eastern part of the Denver metro area has several accident-prone areas, especially near the interchanges with I-25 and Parker Road, due to merging traffic and high speeds.
  • I-270: This six-mile-long auxiliary highway in the northeastern Denver metropolitan area sees frequent high-speed crashes

Severe Injuries in Head-On Collisions

Head-On Car Collisions in Denver

Head-on crashes generate extreme forces that can cause catastrophic or fatal injuries to car occupants.

The violent impact and sudden deceleration of the vehicles involved can result in a multitude of serious injuries, including:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs): The violent force of a head-on car collision can cause the brain to slam against the skull, leading to concussions, skull fractures, and life-altering brain damage.
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis: The impact can fracture, dislocate, or crush vertebrae, potentially severing the spinal cord and resulting in permanent paralysis.
  • Crushed or amputated limbs: Limbs can become pinned, mangled, or severed, leading to crush injuries, amputations, and permanent disability.
  • Burn injuries: Fuel leaks and vehicle fires can cause severe burn injuries, scarring, and disfigurement.
  • Disfiguring facial injuries and scars: Shattered glass, airbag deployment, and impact with the steering wheel or dashboard can cause deep lacerations and permanent scarring to the face.
  • Broken bones: Head-on collisions can fracture or shatter bones throughout the body, requiring extensive surgery and lengthy recovery times.
  • Soft tissue injuries: Tendons, ligaments, and muscles can be stretched, torn, or crushed, causing pain, swelling, and limited mobility.
  • Lacerations and bruises: Broken glass, loose objects, and impact with the car’s interior can cause deep cuts, puncture wounds, and severe bruising.
  • Whiplash and neck injuries: The sudden back-and-forth motion of the head and neck during a head-on crash can strain, sprain, or tear the soft tissues in the neck, causing chronic pain and limited range of motion.
  • Internal bleeding and organ damage: Head-on car accidents can cause internal organs to rupture, bleed, or become punctured by broken ribs, leading to life-threatening complications.
  • Death: Many of these injuries can be fatal if serious enough. Head-on car collisions claim the lives of thousands of drivers and passengers every year, leaving families devastated and struggling to cope with their loss.

Survivors of head-on collisions often face a long and difficult road to recovery. They may require extensive medical treatment, surgeries, rehabilitation, medication, assistive devices, and even home modifications. Some victims suffer permanent disabilities and can no longer work or live independently.

The psychological impact can also be severe, with many people experiencing depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health issues after a serious crash. Crashes resulting in death leave families in grief and financial hardship.

If a head-on car crash in Denver has upended your life, Fuicelli & Lee can help you. We have decades of experience helping survivors of these devastating crashes get the compensation they need to cope with catastrophic crash injuries, the loss of a loved one, and financial hardship.

What to Do After a Denver Head-On Car Crash

After a head-on car collision, your priority should be seeking medical attention. Even if you were lucky enough to survive a head-on crash relatively unscathed, some injuries may have delayed symptoms or not be immediately apparent.

Seeking medical care right away ensures your doctors diagnose and document your injuries. This is important for your health and your eventual injury claim. Be sure to attend all follow-up appointments and complete your prescribed treatment plan as well.

Showing a lack of concern about your health and well-being after a head-on car collision reflects poorly on your legal claim.

If you gathered evidence at the crash scene, give it to your lawyer. Video and photos of the damaged vehicles, any tire skid marks on the road, traffic signals and signs, and the surrounding area may be critical to your case. The other driver’s contact and insurance information, and the names and numbers of any witnesses, are also essential.

Do not communicate with insurance companies about the accident. The insurance adjuster’s job is to pay as little as possible on claims, and they may try to get you to say something that limits your ability to recover compensation.

Contact an experienced Denver car accident attorney as soon as possible after a head-on collision.

At Fuicelli & Lee, we handle all communications with the insurance companies involved in your case, thoroughly gather additional evidence to support your claim, calculate your damages, and fight for the maximum compensation possible through a settlement or jury verdict.

We provide free consultations and work on a contingency basis, so you can get excellent legal representation without paying anything upfront.

Seeking Compensation After a Head-On Car Collision

Survivors of head-on car crashes face a daunting road to recovery, both physically and emotionally. The weight of medical bills, lost income, and property damage can be overwhelming, adding to the stress and anxiety of an already difficult situation.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a head-on collision caused by another driver’s negligence, you may be entitled to seek compensation for the damages you’ve suffered. Most personal injury losses fall into two main categories:

Economic Damages:

  • Medical bills, including hospitalization, surgery, and ongoing treatment costs
  • Lost wages or income due to time missed from work during recovery
  • Reduced future earning potential if your injuries stop you from returning to your previous job or career
  • Property damage, such as the cost of repairing a damaged vehicle or replacing a totaled one.

Non-Economic Damages:

  • Pain and suffering endured as a result of your injuries
  • Emotional distress, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Disability and disfigurement that can impact your quality of life
  • Loss of enjoyment of life, such as the inability to engage in hobbies and activities you once enjoyed
  • Wrongful death damages, including funeral expenses, loss of companionship, and loss of financial support, if you lost a loved one in the accident

The value of your head-on car collision claim depends on the severity of your injuries, the total economic losses you’ve incurred, the level of negligence exhibited by the at-fault driver, and the amount of available insurance coverage, among other factors.

Colorado’s Negligence Rule

Colorado’s modified comparative negligence rule can affect the compensation you receive in a head-on collision case if the court finds you partially to blame for the accident.

Under this rule, the court reduces your damages by your percentage of fault for the crash. However, if the court determines that your fault reaches 50% or more, you cannot recover any compensation.

To ensure the best possible outcome, work with an experienced car accident attorney who can gather evidence and build a strong case on your behalf.

Fuicelli & Lee’s Denver car accident attorneys know that the defendant’s lawyers and insurers may try to blame you at least partially for the accident to lower or even invalidate your claim.

We fight hard to defend your claim from unfair accusations and ensure you receive maximum compensation.

Contact a Knowledgeable Denver Head-On Collision Lawyer

If a head-on car collision in Denver has devastated you or a loved one, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. The physical pain, emotional trauma, and financial hardships can be immense, leaving you wondering how you’ll cope with the challenges ahead.

Don’t face these challenges alone. At Fuicelli & Lee, our dedicated car accident lawyers will fight for the full, fair, and complete compensation you need to get your life back on track.

We understand the impact of head-on collisions, and we will build a strong case for you — one that withstands tough challenges. Several attorneys on our team are former prosecutors with years of experience litigating tough cases. We anticipate everything your claim may be up against and use that knowledge to build you a case that gets results.

To learn more about your legal options after a head-on car collision in Denver, contact Fuicelli & Lee at (303) 444-4444 or online for a free consultation. Let us be your voice and advocate during this difficult time. We won’t back down until we get you the compensation you deserve.